Sunday, February 13, 2011

Facebook Ads

Chevron: We Agree
This ad states that businesses need strong communities. It's promoting job opportunity while supporting education and health care in our communities around the world. 

I usually never read ads that show up on my facebook page, but since this assignment I have been reading them more often. I feel like this ad reflects what I have been talking about in my core class, the idea of "community." I think it's interesting this ad came up on my page because my mom has been really discussing with me about my future and my career. 

Bakery and Pastry Schools
This ad promotes getting an education in this field. It says, "follow your culinary dreams with a degree or certification from a top baking and pastry school. be apart of this booming industry." 

This ad caught my attention over the other ads that were posted on my page because there was a picture of cupcakes, and I just ate a cupcake. I love baking, and I think it's really fun. I would never want to do it for a living though. My dad owns his own restaurant, so he is always cooking or baking something in our house. I think it would be cool to do when I retire from my other career or something, but I wouldn't want to get a degree in it. 

Charles Grayson Spa
"Say I love you with 3 luxurious spa treatments for only $199 at Charles Grayson Spa." This ad is promoting that people on facebook see this ad and essentially go to this spa.

Weird, I just bought my friend a gift certificate for a spa treatment, but i did not get it from this place. I thought it was weird though that this ad just happened to appear on my page a couple days after I bought mine for my friend. 

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