Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Facebook Linked to Flunking?

Here is a CBS News broadcast about kids who are "addicted" to Facebook and how it will/has affected their grade point average. I feel like its become more and more of a norm for students, and adults too, to check Facebook or update their twitter before doing school work. I know when I go on the computer I feel like the first thing I do is go on Facebook. Is this affecting my school work? Probably. But I still manage to do well. Just think about how many people can't manage. Imagine going on Facebook once you bring up the internet, spending what you think will only be a couple minutes but then turns to an hour or two--- what now? Are you too lazy or tired to study for that test you have tomorrow? This happens to a lot of people; thus, causing students' grades to suffer due to essentially Facebook.;photovideo

Monday, March 7, 2011

Facebook Stories

This website posted 10 unbelievable Facebook stories. It is crazy to see how much of an impact Facebook has had on people's lives. I understand how some people are addicted to Facebook, but some of these stories are just insane. For example, the story about the husband updating his Facebook on his wedding altar--- that is just ridiculous, and if I was his fiance I would be very angry.

It seems that Facebook has become more accepted by a variety of media forums. In fact, it seems that Facebook has been beneficial in fighting crimes, using as an alibi, and finding kidnapped kids. Its amazing how Facebook now is one of the most primary tools in today's society.

Here is the website of the stories-- check them out. They are very interesting.