Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Facebook Linked to Flunking?

Here is a CBS News broadcast about kids who are "addicted" to Facebook and how it will/has affected their grade point average. I feel like its become more and more of a norm for students, and adults too, to check Facebook or update their twitter before doing school work. I know when I go on the computer I feel like the first thing I do is go on Facebook. Is this affecting my school work? Probably. But I still manage to do well. Just think about how many people can't manage. Imagine going on Facebook once you bring up the internet, spending what you think will only be a couple minutes but then turns to an hour or two--- what now? Are you too lazy or tired to study for that test you have tomorrow? This happens to a lot of people; thus, causing students' grades to suffer due to essentially Facebook.;photovideo

1 comment:

  1. I can attest to logging on to Facebook before doing any school work. I got a Facebook Sophomore year and my grades fell significantly Junior and Senior year. Maybe it was due to Facebook?
